
How to eat an ElePHPant: Modernize legacy PHP Applications

Dutch PHP Conference 2023 - How to modernize legacy PHP applications gradually to modern paradigms.

PHP 8.1: What's new and changed

GroningenPHP - New features, changes, improvements, and deprecations in PHP 8.1

PHP 8.1: What's new and changed

DrupalCon Europe 2021 - New features, changes, improvements, and deprecations in PHP 8.1

PHP Enums

PHP Conference Japan 2021 - A comprehensive talk on Enums in PHP 8.1

PHP Enums

Dutch PHP Conference 2021 - A comprehensive talk on Enums in PHP 8.1

PHP Enums

Oxford PHP April 2021 - A comprehensive talk on Enums in PHP 8.1

PHP Enums

MidWest PHP 2021 - A comprehensive talk on Enums in PHP 8.1

PHP 8: What's New and Changed

DrupalCon Europe - 2020 - PHP8: What's New and Changed

OWASP Top 10

DrupalCon Europe - Amsterdam 2019 - OWASP Top 10

Perfectionist’s Guide To TLS Optimizations & HTTP Header Security

SecOSDay Sofia 2019 - Perfectionists Guide to TLS Optimizations and HTTP Headers

Unicode + PHP

Dutch PHP Conference - Amsterdam 2019 - Unicode + PHP

From Zero to Tested, Automated & Documented Open Source Packages

Dutch PHP Conference - Amsterdam 2019 - From Zero to Tested, Automated & Documented Open Source Packages

OWASP Top 10: What are them and how to prevent them

SecOSDay - Essen 2018 - OWASP Top 10: What are them and how to prevent them


Drupal Europe - Darmstadt 2018 - Why, When, and How to say “No”

PHP 7: The Whys and the Hows

DrupalCon Europe - Vienna 2017 - PHP 7: The Whys and the Hows